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Beehive Honeycomb Sculpture

Beehive Honeycomb Sculpture

Regular price $5,000.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $5,000.00 NZD
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My honeycomb sculptures are made in a unique collaboration between my bees and I.

This Beehive Honeycomb Sculpture was selected for the 2024 RT Nelson Sculpture Awards, as part of their prestigious show. This project has had its challenges and I have always had to stay on my toes as creative director to 50000 honeybees. Half way though the honeycomb building process the bees decided to scale up the sculpture and I needed to build a new custom enlarged beebox to sit the sculpture into while the bees carried on with their creative process.

Here's what Executive Director, Carla Russell from NZ ART SHOW wrote:

R.T Nelson Award for Sculpture finalist Studio Reset Encaustic Artist is renowned for her 2D encaustic artworks which she has exhibited in the NZ Art Show for several years. Last year she decided to push the boundaries of her materials further by turning her beeswax into 3D creations. Through tireless research, trial and error, and the help of her trusty bees, she created Honeycomb Vase which earned her an R.T Nelson Award for Sculpture in 2023.


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